Master Coach and Business Consultant
Bringing clarity to your vision, and your vision to the world.

​Security Coordination and Consulting
In the modern world security has come to mean more than executive protection. Fortunes can be lost and corporations can be toppled through the theft of information and Intellectual property. Even the best encryption is rendered worthless if access security protocols are not established and followed. Full Spectrum Security consulting involves covering every aspect of your situation from threat assessment to neutralization.
Exceptional judgment and abilities gained from years of proven security and operations experience in both low and high threat environments. Trained in Special Security and Operations including counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism by some of the world's most advanced organizations. Most recent experience includes Security Coordinator protecting intellectual property, digital media and high profile clients, such as, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney for companies including DreamWorks, Ides of March Films and private clients throughout the U.S., South and Central America.
Security as a complete solution.
I have been contacted by people and companies many times for consultation on a situation or potential threat. The smart ones contact me early, often before there is any evidence of a real threat. I am able to guide them through the threat assessment process and assist in developing their policies and procedures. Most of the time that is enough. On the occasion where a company didn't believe they were a target until it was too late, I have been contacted to find a resolution of the situation. Which do you think is more expensive? Even if my time and cost were exactly the same, what ever damage or loss that had occurred to prompt them to get help, can not be undone. Industrial espionage and criminal hacking are recognized issues prevalent in the U.S. The cost of even one of these incidents to a company can be catastrophic. My recommendation is not to wait until it's too late.
Services include:​
​ ~ Entertainment Security for Film and Television projects and high profile clients
~ Strategic Project Management
~ Tactical Execution​​
~ Executive Protection
​ ~ Small Unit Tactics and Training
~ Performing threat surveys to evaluate the dangers present at a location or in an organization.
~ Design of security procedures and systems.
~ Responsibilities of people associated with security and response procedures.
~ Setup, operation, and maintenance of security systems.
~ Digital Information Protection
~ Intellectual Property (IP) Protection
~ Access Control / Information Dissemination
~ Access and Egress Travel Safety
~ Environmental, team safety and HAZMAT
~ Vendor Management
If you or your company have questions about security or are unsure of the threat level you are facing, please contact me for a FREE Assessment.
Ensuring the effectiveness of your projects by protecting the integrity of your process, the safety of your people and the security of your assets. ​